Hockliffe Lower School, Woburn Road, Hockliffe,
Leighton Buzzard,
Bedfordshire LU7 9LL
Telephone: 01525 210 330
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Consultation on the proposed 2026 admission arrangements
The Local Governing Body of Hockliffe Lower School is currently consulting on the proposed admission arrangements for September 2026.
The proposed 2026 admission arrangements have been rewritten now that Hockliffe Lower School is an academy and part of the Kingsbridge Educational Trust. This includes a proposed update to the oversubscription criteria to remove ‘Children for whom the school is their nearest lower/primary school’ and instead refer to ‘all other children’, with distance from the school to the applicant’s principal residence being used to determine order of priority with those living nearest being given priority (please see page 3 of the consultation document).
The proposed admission arrangements can be viewed via here.