Term Dates/School Day

Term Dates 2023-2024

Autumn Term 2023

Tuesday 5 September 2023 - Friday 20 October 2023

Tuesday 31 October 2023 - Wednesday 20 December 2023

The school will be closed for Inset Days/staff training days on:

Friday 1 September 2023

Monday 4 September 2023

Monday 30 October 2023

Spring Term 2024

Thursday 4 January 2024 - Friday 16 February 2024

Monday 26 February 2024 - Thursday 28 March 2024

The school will be closed for staff training days on:

Monday 3 January 2024

Summer Term 2024

Tuesday 16 April 2024 - Friday 24 May 2024

Monday 3 June 2024 - Friday 19 July 2024

The school will be closed on:

Monday 15th April 2024 for a staff training day

Monday 6 May 2024 for May Bank Holiday

Term Dates 2023 – 2024

Term Dates 2024 – 2025


3rd June - Return to school

6th June - Cluster Sports KS1 pm (PE kit required)

11th June - KS2 get Moving (PE kit required)

11th June - Clay Workshop

13th June - EDI meeting online

18th June - Rowan trip Holdenby House

19th  June - Forest School Willow & Maple (come dressed in Forest School Clothes)

20th June - Willow and Maple College Lake Trip

25th June - KS2 get Moving (PE kit required)

25th June - Library Assembly Summer Reading Challenge (children only)

26th June - Forest School Willow & Maple (come dressed in Forest School Clothes)

1st July - Rowan Concert Grove Theatre afternoon & evening

2nd July - KS2 get Moving (PE kit required)

3rd July - Year 4 Transfer Day

3rd July - Forest School Willow & Maple (come dressed in Forest School Clothes)

4th July - Year 4 Transfer Day

4th July - Internal move up day

5th July - Drama workshops all classes

6th July - Fete 10am - 12pm

9th July - KS2 get Moving (PE kit required)

10th July - Leaver’s Assembly 2.30pm Year 3 & 4 parents welcome

10th July - Forest School Willow & Maple (come dressed in Forest School Clothes)

11th July - Parental Consultation (if you wish to speak to your child’s teacher about their report)

12th July - Rocksteady Concert TBC

17th July - Cultural Morning NOTE CHANGE OF DATE

17th July - Olympics Afternoon (parents invited weather permitting) NOTE CHANGE OF DATE

19th July - Last Day of term Early Close


School Day

The school day is divided into two sessions:

8.45am – 12pm (Key Stage 1)
8.45am – 12.10pm (Key Stage 2)

1pm – 3.15pm

Start of the Day

Children should arrive in the school playground from 8.35am onwards.

At 8.45am when the bell is rung, the children stand still. When the whistle blows they walk to collect their belongings and then walk into line.

We encourage children to organise their own equipment in order to develop their independence. The children will be met by their class teacher and enter the school via the classroom doors. We ask that only parents of children in Class 1 should accompany their children into the school, until such time as you feel confident they can come in independently.

The playground door closes at 9am. If you and your child arrive after this time please go to the front entrance, where you will be asked to sign the late arrivals book.

In inclement weather, children can go to the classroom from 8.35am.

End of the Day

School finishes at 3.15pm, with parents/carers waiting in their designated line in the playground. Children leave school via their classroom and are sent directly to their parents by a member of staff; this ensures that if you are late your child is safe within the confines of the school.

If you have made arrangements for your child to go home with a different person than usual, please inform the school by telephone or email.

If your child is attending an afterschool curriculum club they should be collected at the playground door. Most clubs finish at 4.15pm.

School Closures

School Closures Information